MAIN section notes:ĪimingZoomFix - set to 1 for proper fix, so it behaves like on xbox, set to 2 to have this fixed feature enabled in IV and TLAD, set to -1 to disable this feature. This fix was tested only with latest official update and latest ASI Loader (included in the archive). Non-Windows users (Proton/Wine) need to perform a DLL override.
Added Tree Translucency option from consoles (TreeFX option in Graphics menu)Ĭredits: AssaultKifle47, Parallellines, robi29, Vaani, RaphaelK12 Installation: Install Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition (v1.2.0.30 and above required) Download: Unpack content of the archive to your GTAIV Complete Edition root directory. Fixed improper reflection mipmap dimming which made ambient reflections weaker than they're supposed to be. Fixed disconnected shadows/excessively high depth bias for cascaded shadow maps. Fixed black water droplets on screen and restored rain refractions. Increased rain and splash intensity to mostly match consoles. Fixed textureless water on AMD graphics cards. Fixed water tiling (medium water tiling for very high water while keeping high resolution reflections). Fixed excessively strong vertex AO and static vehicle shadows. Included pre1.0.6.0 shadow filtering (more options to come in future update). Fixed distorted car reflections thanks to and increased their intensity to match consoles. Removed broken near blur (previously part of Definition off). Remade bloom shader with proper resolution scaling.
Improved depth of field and fixed resolution scaling.Restored volumetric light shafts thanks to Vaani.Restored stippled transparency/LOD fading from and older versions, and reduced the stippling effect on vegetation and fences.Fixed emissive shader bug, lights are now present in the game (e.g.Added an option to change color filters in each episode.Split Definition into Motion Blur and Depth Of Field options (DoF option can be overridden to be disabled in cutscenes).Restored non-cop pedestrians in helicopters flying around city.Added Console Shadows option - disables headlight shadows in exchange for vehicle shadows from non-sun light sources.Added an option to force borderless windowed mode.
Added an option to skip main menu after startup. Added a file overload solution that allows to add models and data files without replacing them. Added various frame limiting options to address cutscene zoom and other fps related issues. Fixed forced "definition off" setting in cutscenes, now cutscenes will respect the menu setting. Fixed recoil behavior that was different when playing with keyboard/mouse and gamepad.
This projects aims to fix some issues in Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition.